Convegno Nazionale Cyber Security

Riccardo Focardi will present Cryptosense at the National Congress on Cyber Security, organized by Centro Studi Difesa e Sicurezza (CESTUDIS) and Centro di Ricerca di Cyber Intelligence e Information Security of University “La Sapienza”, Rome in collaboration with Dipartimento informazione e sicurezza della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.

The aim of the congress is to support collaboration among government agencies, universities and private companies working in critical infrastructures, finance, economy and security systems.

The meeting is on December 1, 2014 at Aula Magna of University “La Sapienza”. Here you can find the detailed program and on-line registration.

Author: riccardo

I am Full Professor in Computer Science at the University Ca' Foscari of Venice. My main research interest is computer and network security, from foundations to practical aspects. I coordinate secgroup@cafoscari.

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