I’ve published a hands-on guide to Padding Oracle Attacks on RSA that appears in Hakin9 – Defend Yourself! Hands-on Cryptography. It is a practical experience on how to break RSA using a side-channel and contains references to our recent results on real devices.
Category: Courses and Seminars
Try to hack!
As a follow up of the meeting with high school students, today and 2 weeks ago, I’m happy to make available the first challenge (in Italian, sorry) on flawed password-protected sites.
Have fun and post your comments!
Lunch Seminar: Attacking and fixing the Microsoft Windows Kerberos login service
Friday 29 October, at 13:00, Tommaso will give a seminar describing the vulnerability we have found on the Windows systems implementation of the Kerberos login service. More information and full paper can be found here.
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Security APIs at FOSAD school
I ve just given a course at the FOSAD’10 school, reviewing practical attacks on security APIs and illustrating formal techniques to detect and fix them. The first part of the course focusses on PIN cracking attacks on Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) used by ATM networks to protect user PINs. The second part focusses on PKCS#11 tokens. I have described Tookan, a tool that reverse engineers real cryptographic tokens and performs a formal analysis of the resulting model, finding possible attacks and testing them on the real device (hope to have soon a trial version on this site). I have finally illustrated CryptokiX, our security-enhanced software simulator of a PKCS#11 token. Here are the slides [Part I] [Part II]