Lab 8: prerequisites

  1. Install Docker CE from here or use the Linux VM with docker already installed
  2. Make sure you have docker-compose installed. If it is not installed, install it from here (if using the Linux VM above, follow the instructions here to also install docker-compose)
  3. Download the zip file and uncompress it
  4. Run docker-compose up -d  from inside the zip folder to run the container network
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "lab8_network_lan" with driver "bridge"
Creating lab8_network_client_1   ... done
Creating lab8_network_attacker_1 ... done
Creating lab8_network_server_1   ... done

The above command will create a network composed of

  • one subnet (, recall that /24 means that addresses will have the first three bytes fixed, i.e., 10.16.0.*)
  • three hosts:

    Name IP MAC
    client 02:42:ac:11:65:10
    server 02:42:ac:11:65:50
    attacker 02:42:ac:11:65:40

Network is depicted in the following figure:

You can attach to each container running docker-compose exec <container> bash  in another terminal

$ docker-compose exec attacker bash
attacker # exit
$ docker-compose exec client bash
client # exit
$ docker-compose exec server bash
server # exit

To remove all containers and networks use docker-compose down.

$ docker-compose down
Stopping lab8_attacker_1 ... done
Stopping lab8_client_1   ... done
Stopping lab8_server_1   ... done
Removing lab8_attacker_1 ... done
Removing lab8_client_1   ... done
Removing lab8_server_1   ... done
Removing network lab8_lan

Go to Task 1!