This course aims at introducing basic concepts and techniques for the development of secure systems and networks. The course is mapped to [CM0493] Security 1 and [CM0475] Security 1 (6 out of 12 CFU).
Security is one of the courses of the Laurea Magistrale (Master’s degree) in Computer Science at Ca’ Foscari, Venice. It is a blended course of the Ca’ Foscari e-learning program and combines traditional classroom teaching with on-line classes, tutoring and challenges.
- News will appear here!
- Written exam giving a base score;
- Challenges giving bonus on the base score.
Course material and books
All of the slides will be made available on-line here. The course is mainly based on:
- William Stallings, Lawrie Brown. Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition. Pearson, 2018. (chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 22, 27)
On-line resources
- The official moodle page contains:
- links to zoom videoconferences
- recordings of classes
- slides
- instruction to join the virtual meeting point for the course is in Slack
- Examples and practical case studies are made available as docker CE images
- [16/09/2021] Introduction and basic concepts (slides)
- [23/09/2021] Security Design Principles (slides), User Authentication 1 (slides)
- [24/09/2021] User Authentication 2 (slides)
- [29/09/2021] Password cracking lab (on-line class) Wednesday 29, Delta 1A, 08:45-10:15
- [30/09/2021] Access control (slides)
- [06/10/2021] Unix access control lab (on-line class) Wednesday 06, Delta 1A, 08:45-10:15
- [07/10/2021] Malware 1 (slides)
- [08/10/2021] Malware 2 (slides)
- [14/10/2021] Database security (slides)
- [15/10/2021] SQL injection challenge (on-line class)
- [21/10/2021] Denial of service (slides)
- [22/10/2021] Denial of service lab (on-line class)
- [28/10/2021] Intrusion detection (slides)
- [29/10/2021] Firewalls (slides)
- [04/11/2021] Operating system security (slides)
- [05/11/2021] Firewall challenge (on-line class)
- [11/11/2021] Buffer and stack overflow (slides)
- [12/11/2021] Buffer overflow challenge (on-line class)
- [18/11/2021] Software security (slides)
- [19/11/2021] Software security challenge (on-line class)
- [25/11/2021] Network security (slides)
- [26/11/2021] Network security lab (on-line class) We meet on slack!
- [02/12/2021] Trusted computing (slides)
[TBA] Security management and risk assessment (slides)- [03/12/2021] Embedded system security, by Elisabeth Oswald (University of Klagenfurt)