Welcome to the first edition of the course!
Important Announcement
A new lecture on frames is now online and linked below. We will make an experiment for the upcoming lectures: having them via conference call, using Google Meet. In the meanwhile, I have created a Slack channel to simplify communication. If you need an invitation link to Slack, please send me an email.
- 13 Mar 2020: Second assignment is out (trivia)
- 20 Feb 2020: First assignment is out (obxssession)
- 20 Feb 2020: The submission platform is online!
- 06 Feb 2020: The course has started!
Lectures: Web Security
- The web platform
- Session management
- Same Origin Policy
- Cross Site Scripting
- Lab class: XSS Game
- Cross Site Request Forgery
- Online class: XSSI (video) and CSRF lab
- Online class: Content Security Policy (video)
- Online class: frames (video)
- Server-side security (with video)
- Server-side security lab
- More server-side security (with video)
- Server-side security lab
Lectures: Formal Methods
- Access control verification (with video)
- ARBAC verification lab (challenge)
- Structural operational semantics (with video)
- Information flow control (with video)
- Declassification (with video)
- IFC lab class
- Cryptographic protocols (with video)
- Security properties (with video)
- ProVerif (with video)
- ProVerif lab